Monday 26 January 2009

I must have been kidding myself

Can we stop the wind from blowing? Can we chain the cloud to the ground? I guess not. Then what have I been thinking? I must have been kidding myself. Trying to change myself to be a different person. So different I seems like a stranger that I was never even comfortable with.

Realised that I'm trying to persuade my self to be the person I should be. More likely the person people want me to be. But it's not the person I want to be. I have my own problems and also lot of issues. So what?

I thought I like a person because of the differences which seems complete me but I realised that we have the same issues. The unsolved issues that I knew deep inside of me will never change. It looks like I'm looking into the mirror and seeing my own self in a different world.

There, problem solved. I need not think anymore. No need to make decision because I don't need to change or to chain myself.