Saturday 19 February 2011

Sacrifice and Pain

Sacrifice and pain.

They came hand in hand. The sacrifice that I will make is the pain that I'm letting go. But why do I feels like my heart is being ripped off. Why is it letting go this pain hurts me this much. I feels like dying but I can't.

Not yet.

A small voice somewhere inside of me whispering in a low voice. My wound is so old and my scars are all over the place. What is the reasons of this battling that never ends until now. What is my path leading me to. I don't know. Nobody knows. But I need to brace myself and step forward. One step at a time. I may stumble. I may stumble again and again. I will start this new journey of my life no matter what. At least that is what my heart tells me. This decision that I take. Is not mine alone. Nobody knows and it doesn't matter. At least I know. I hope that the sacrifice that I made now will heal my heart and wash away the pain.

May be somewhere in future I will claim my happiness that have been waiting for me to embrace.